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Pilot Careers Live- Becoming a Pilot

Pilot Careers Live

Saturday was the day the Royal Armouries in Leeds hosted the Pilot Careers Live event.

For young people wanting to know about which training route to take it was very informative.

During the afternoon there was a great seminar by, they reiterated the point that it is vital that, even before you start your pilot training, you understand the industry. It wont be a 9-5 job, there are hours, months and even years of hard work and study. The return and reward will be worth the effort, but self-motivation, the right attitude and dedication is vital.

Most importantly, are you eligible?

Medicals are something you have less control over. Obtaining your medical early on can mean the difference between investing, and losing thousands of pounds on pilot training.

When it comes to pilot training there are a number of routes available:

  • Military

  • Modular Courses

  • Integrated Courses

These are usually subject to finances, time etc. so it is up to the individual as to which option they choose. Airlines rarely show preference to the route taken. Recruitment chances rely on the skills, aptitude and exams results of the student.

Once you have completed your training, starting to look for jobs can be a daunting experience. Aviation and in particular, becoming a pilot is extremely competitive, however there are still a lot of jobs advertised. Jet2 explained that for 40 places during their recruiting time, they can get over 400 applications.

At this point it seems easy to give up, but you really have to be in it to win in and nothing is lost from applying for the job role as long as you meet their requirements.

So what do they look for?

In terms of Jet2 they gave us a list of what they look for when people apply to work for their airline:

  • High scores at ATPL exams

  • They like pilots to keep current- there is a benefit from becoming an FI

  • Research the company-they like to know what you can bring

  • A polished C.V is vital! This is the equivalent of first impressions and it really does count.

  • Look at building relationships in the industry- apply from roles in Ops, Dispatch etc.

  • Look and act the part-present yourself as you want employers and customers to see you.

What to avoid?

Gimmicks- Don't fund your own type rating. Airlines want skilled pilots that they can mould to their companies standard.

Avoid hearsay- Do your own research on training and employment opportunities.

Do not let your qualifications lapse, it is disorganised and unprofessional as well as getting you out of practice.

Don't put pressure on yourself- don't dwell on negativity, not everything happens straight away and criticism is meant to be constructive.

I know that these opinions may vary airline to airline, but it is definitely a good place to start. For more information about Pilot Apprenticeship Scheme click HERE

Please feel free to call or email us if you have any questions about the courses we offer.

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